We Are Engaged

I know most of you readers already know, but here I am with all the details. Chad and I got engaged 11/19/2021 in Duluth. Now to the fun part. Chad came with me on a day trip to Duluth. He came with me to visit a few customers then we went for a walk on the pier. We were having a normal kerfuffle because he was being weird about there being people all around us lol, little did I know he was panicking trying to find the perfect moment to drop to one knee.

We finally got to the end of the pier, he set up the go pro to take some photos. I asked him to take some of me and then he was taking forever to snap them so I turned around ready to be a bit snarky and there he was asking me to marry him!

As dysfunctional and not smooth as it was it was perfect for us.

I can't wait for 10/22/2022 and the rest of forever.


Dragon Roll Sushi Bowl


White Chicken Chili