
My Journey

My life revolves around educating and advocating for the people around me. Now it’s my turn to share my story. New recipes, holistic living, natural remedies, mental health, exercise and adventures - you’ll find it all here. I cannot wait to share my passions with you.

Life & Relationships Catherine Brine Life & Relationships Catherine Brine

We Are Engaged

I know most of you readers already know, but here I am with all the details. Chad and I got engaged 11/19/2021 in Duluth. Now to the fun part. Chad came with me on a day trip to Duluth. He came with me to visit a few customers then we went for a walk on the pier. We were having a normal kerfuffle because he was being weird about there being people all around us lol, little did I know he was panicking trying to find the perfect moment to drop to one knee.

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Life & Relationships Catherine Brine Life & Relationships Catherine Brine

That Place

I hope that you too have a special place. Where you know exactly how many miles as each exit sign passes. A place where the exit off the interstate gives you goosebumps. Where you can still walk down Minnesota Street and see the same friendly faces from years prior. Where the smell of stale cigarette smoke floats through the bar and it brings you back to nights of warm Jameson and more awkward dance parties than you could ever truly put a number too.

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Life & Relationships Catherine Brine Life & Relationships Catherine Brine


Gaslighting was something I didn’t know ANYTHING about until about 4 months into my therapy experience and I think this is something that we as a society need to do a way better job of educating our young women about. Here’s the low down according to Gaslighting means you “manipulate (someone) by psychological means into questioning their own sanity”. Well this happened to me and I was completely blind to it at the time. I went into such a deep depression that I had completely lost myself which if you have followed me over the last 18 months you know all about.

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