
About a month ago I started going to see Naturally Rach in St. Paul (check her out here) and have been doing bi-weekly cupping and energy work. I cannot recommend it enough. I had no expectations going into my first session. I only wanted to try it out and see if I could feel a difference in my body and my autoimmune flairs. I have been doing so good at keeping my flairs in check with what I am eating I wanted to see if this could also relieve some inflammation.

Photo is one day after my first session

I honestly leave every couple weeks so relaxed and de-stressed I am loving it.

Benefits of cupping-

• Relieves Tension and Pain

• Releases Toxins

• Increases Lymphatic Drainage

• Reduces Inflammation

• Moves Stagnant Energy

• Encourages Blood Flow

• Eases Sore and Tight Muscles

• Accelerates Workout Recovery

If you are on the fence I would HIGHLY suggest it.


Five Guys Burger Bowl


Mississippi Pot Roast