
My Journey

My life revolves around educating and advocating for the people around me. Now it’s my turn to share my story. New recipes, holistic living, natural remedies, mental health, exercise and adventures - you’ll find it all here. I cannot wait to share my passions with you.

Explore & Travel Catherine Brine Explore & Travel Catherine Brine

Unwind Weekend

The next couple of weekends were supposed to be spent up north this weekend with friends and next weekend just the two of us to have a weekend away before we get sucked into the craziness of our summertime schedules. Well COVID-19 had other plans for us.

I would much prefer to have had a day off and spend it gallivanting through the woods with friends and trying on bridesmaid dresses, but unfortunately that isn’t my reality right now. My reality while writing this post is looking at two very empty weekends on my calendar pretending it doesn’t make me want to cry.

Having anxiety sucks and not being around people whilst you have anxiety can sometimes make things 100x worse. I like to be out and doing things and that’s when I thrive is when I’m busy. The more time I have to sit around and ponder all of the things going on in my brain the worse I get mentally.’s my game plan for the weekend and I am hoping I have pictures to share about each item as the weekend plays out!

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Explore & Travel Catherine Brine Explore & Travel Catherine Brine

Thankful. Grateful. Blessed

Thankful. Grateful. Blessed. 

These last few weeks have been tough.  My mom has been sick, my work has been exhausting, and I was drowning. 

We had a trip planned for the last couple of months and we almost cancelled with everything going on, but I am beyond glad we didn’t.  We went on a Motorcycle trip to Wabasha and had a wonderful time.  The chilled to the bone rides, hairpin turns, beautiful views, and comfort food. It made it all worth it. 

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Explore & Travel Catherine Brine Explore & Travel Catherine Brine

Weekend In The North Woods

This trip was long overdue. We were supposed to go to Two Harbors in April, but COVID had other plans. We were so glad to make the best of it this weekend. Just about every single one of the plans that we had for the weekend got completely derailed, but I kind of wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

Here's what we did and where we would definitely suggest you check out if you are in the area!

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