What I Ate Week 3

I can't believe it's been almost a month of this new lifestyle. It has definitely been a journey. Never in my life did I think I'd be scouring the aisles for vegan cheese options or dairy free milk alternatives, but here I am.

Breakfast is still the most difficult. Dad made me another batch of sausage, so I prepped a hash with sweet potatoes, onions, and mushrooms. It's good! I've been eating it with everything bagel plant based dip from Target.

I have also been doing a Trader Joes pea protein smoothie. It's banana and almond butter. That's decent too. It is a great post workout meal.

Date night was to Rustic Roots for their monthly farmers/makers market. We had a wine slushy and shared the hummus appetizer. I didn't eat the bread. I honestly ate it with a fork and it was AMAZING. Absolutely drool worthy. It was the perfect afternoon snack.

I forgot to take a photo, but I made crockpot Tomatillo Carnitas and we made taco bowls.

I cut a pork tenderloin in thirds and used 1/2 a jar of tomatillo salsa and let it cook all day. When we were ready to eat I shredded the pork and we made taco salad bowls with the usual toppings. Lettuce, salsa, beans, I used cashew cheese, nutritional yeast, and bitchen sauce.

Thai Chicken meatballs made an appearance again this week. They're SO good.

Last, but not least my mom made shrimp burgers, grilled zucchini, and scallops for our weekly family dinner. The shrimp burgers were super good.


I hope this weeks meals inspire you to make a healthy change!




AIP-ish Camping