Sweet Potato Cereal

Yep, you read that correctly. I turned sweet potatoes into cereal. (JK, but I credit Naturally Rach for this one). I have been seeing Rachel for a few months now and she has opened my eye to my energy and the mind, body, spiritual connections. It is incredible to me how much I have learned and healed through listening to my body. During our energy sessions she often notieces blockages in my Sacral Chakra. If you are new to the world of energy reading here’s a great graphic that I used to help myself remember what I needed to keep front of mind.

I have been consistently focusing on adding more nuts and root veggies (with color) to my daily eating habits and have slowly but surely been seeing the results.

Rachel posted that she roasts sweet potatoes with coconut oil and cinnamon and eats it like cereal, so naturally I had to give it a shot myself.

15/10. This is such a simple way to get another vegetable in throughout the day it makes a perfect post workout meal or evening “treat.


This is one of those measure with your heart type recipes.

Sweet Potato

Coconut Oil



Add a drizzle of pure maple syrup if you need a little bit of added sweetness, but as you eat it you get used to the beatiful sweetness of the sweet potato.


Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Wash your sweet potato. Peel if you want (mine were ugly so I did peel this batch).

Dice into small pieces.

Add to a baggie or bowl and drizzle coconut oil 2-3T depending on how many potatoes you use.


Dash of vanilla.

Roast for 15-20 minutes, stirring halfway or until potatoes have good color and are fork tender.

Let cool or enjoy warm with your favorite non-dairy milk!

Healing your body one bowl full at a time.



Homemade Homestyle “Poptarts”


Vegan Elote Side