The Struggle

This week I wanted to give up basically everyday. This journey is so hard. The guilt for indulging in a couple pieces of birthday cake and the scale reflecting the indulgence.

The feeling like two a day workouts and watching every single thing you consume is the only way to stay on track. Knowing you can gain it back 10x faster than you lost it if you have some miss-steps.

Then yesterday I kicked butt at my workout, like seriously. It was one of the best feeling workouts I’ve done in a couple months. One of those true mind benders. Like if you just keep pushing for one more set, one more round, one more burpee, it means I can still do this.

Before the workout I was talking to my coach who has been a huge push these last couple months, when the weight hasn’t as fast to shed, when I need the extra push during my workout, he’s been there. We talked about my goal and how I’ve got 9 months to get there. We talked about “the number” and what I’ve been doing. After the workout we did our usual knucks, and he said “Do you know how good it’s going to feel in October, the day of your wedding, in your dress, knowing you demolished the goal you thought you wanted?” That question has just been sitting with me the last 24 hours.

I’ve overcome so much in the last few months and now these next few it’s purely mental. My body can do it. Now I need to change my mindset to this lifestyle and make it happen. Having some birthday cake or eating out and not having a perfectly balanced meal doesn’t mean this is over. That’s just life. It isn’t perfect. This time I’m really doing this for the long term and more importantly this time it’s for me.


Honey Balsamic Brussels Sprouts


Five Guys Burger Bowl