
My Journey

My life revolves around educating and advocating for the people around me. Now it’s my turn to share my story. New recipes, holistic living, natural remedies, mental health, exercise and adventures - you’ll find it all here. I cannot wait to share my passions with you.

Life & Relationships Catherine Brine Life & Relationships Catherine Brine

Share It!

I was once told by an acquaintance that I shouldn’t share the struggle. That it should be hidden because “you’re not the only one dealing with it”. Well, it’s my life and I am going to share it. I had to decide what to do with the trauma of an incredibly difficult relationship. I could’ve swallowed it and lived it and I honestly don’t know where I’d be today, but I can tell you that it wouldn’t be good. I wouldn’t be the woman I am today. Sharing my story is not to receive a pity party. That was never my intention and never will be.

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