
Kombucha is a refreshing, tangy, fermented beverage that is gaining popularity due to its numerous health benefits. Kombucha is reported to boost energy, immunity, liver function, and digestion, while also reducing toxins, free-radicals, bad cholesterol levels, and blood sugar spikes! Store-bought kombucha is great, but can get rather expensive – particularly if you are drinking it regularly. The good news is, kombucha is extremely easy to make at home! It is also very affordable. All you need is a few supplies and about 30 minutes of time every week or two. Read along to learn how to make your own kombucha.

Benefits of Making your Own Kombucha

Aside from being easy, there are many reasons why you may want to consider making your own kombucha.

By making your own at home, you have the utmost control over the end product! You can choose the quality of ingredients, get creative with adding fruit and flavors, and adjust how sweet or tart you prefer the end product to be. We have come to favor the flavor of our homebrew. It’s delicious!

Let’s not forget the cost savings! Because they’re significant. The cost of bulk sugar and tea is nothing compared to routinely buying bottled kombucha. Making your kombucha at home greatly increases its availability, and your ability to drink it more often. That means we get exponentially more exposure to the health benefits.


Tea Bags




Kombucha Starter (store bought or pre-made kombucha)


If you are planning to make your own scoby.

7 cups boiling water

1/2 cup sugar

4 bags of tea

1 cup of active kombucha

Let sit in a jar with cheesecloth over the top for 3-4 weeks.

To make kombucha-

14 cups of water

1 cup of sugar

8 teabags

1 scoby

2 cups of kombucha (from active batch)

Let sit in a jar with cheesecloth over the top for 3-4 weeks.

Strain. Then add to small jars with regular lids. Add your fruit and herbs of choice and let it secondary ferment for 2-3 days. With the lids on tight on a table top (NOT REFRIGERATED). After 2-3 days you will begin to see the carbonation. Then it is ready to go in the fridge to enjoy.

Some of my current favorite flavors-

Mint and lime

Mint and orange

Ginger lemon

Pineapple— Trader Joe’s frozen pineapple is amazing!

Raspberry Mint

I drink mine daily. It is great plain or mixed with sparkling water it makes a great mocktail.



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