Bone Broth

Bone Broth.

When I first did the Auto Immune Protocol Bone Broth was something I definitely needed to learn about. I truly had no idea of the benefits and really the relief it could provide me when I am having an autoimmune flair.

What are the benefits of bone broth?

It turns out, bone broth is different than making traditional stock. Its health benefits are numerous but for starters, check out one of my favorite sites The Paleo Mom who explains that bone broth is very nutritious because it contains two very important amino acids for healing: glycine and proline. I knew about these two important amino acids but I didn't know bone broth was beneficial because of them.

"...glycine is required for synthesis of DNA, RNA and many proteins in the body. As such, it plays extensive roles in digestive health, proper functioning of the nervous system and in wound healing. Glycine aids digestion by helping to regulate the synthesis and of bile salts and secretion of gastric acid. It is involved in detoxification and is required for production of glutathione, an important antioxidant. Glycine helps regulate blood sugar levels by controlling gluconeogenesis (the manufacture of glucose from proteins in the liver). Glycine also enhances muscle repair/growth by increasing levels of creatine and regulating Human Growth Hormone secretion from the pituitary gland. This wonderful amino acid is also critical for healthy functioning of the central nervous system. In the brain, it inhibits excitatory neurotransmitters, thus producing a calming effect. Glycine is also converted into the neurotransmitter serine, which promotes mental alertness, improves memory, boosts mood, and reduces stress.

Proline has an additional role in reversing atherosclerotic deposits. It enables the blood vessel walls to release cholesterol buildups into your blood stream, decreasing the size of potential blockages in your heart and the surrounding blood vessels. Proline also helps your body break down proteins for use in creating new, healthy muscle cells.”

In addition, bones are rich in minerals like calcium, magnesium and phosphorus - all of which we need for our own bone health. Plus, adding joints with cartilage to the broth adds collagen which is also rich in Glycine and Proline but it has Chondroitin Sulfate and Hyaluronic Acid that are beneficial for joint and skin health.


  • 2 lbs of bones from any healthy animal. I typically stick to rotisserie chicken carcasses.

  • 2 Medium Onions cut in quarters

  • 2 Large Carrots

  • 2 Celery Stalks

  • 2-4 Cloves of garlic

  • 2 tablespoon of Raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

  • 1 Gallon of filtered water to start but add more as you simmer.

  • (Optional) assorted herbs, stalks from any green vegetables and salt and pepper

There is really no “recipe” for this. You can use any veggies you have left over in the fridge to add flavor and complexity to this recipe. Bell peppers, herbs, green onions, the options are endless.

Put all the ingredients into a roasting crockpot and set on low for AT LEAST 36 hours. The longer you let it go the better it will be.

Strain out debris and bones and jar your broth. Store in the fridge. Or can it to make it shelf stable.

I use this as a base for a very neutral soup that I make in large batches and store in the freezer. I strictly eat this soup to reduce any symptoms when I have a flair.

Again, no real recipe lol (my dad hates that I create all these wonderful recipes and truly just create them by measuring with my heart, every time I make it it’s a little different, but great just the same)

Bone Broth

Gluten Free Rice Noodles

Thinly sliced carrots


Rough chopped bell pepper

Let it all simmer together for a couple hours before adding the noodles.

Freeze in individual containers for when you need it! It is guaranteed to make you feel better and help your body restock the nutrients it needs.

Other ways to incorporate bone broth into your daily routine-

-use it in place of water when making rice or quinoa

-use to steam potatoes or vegetables

-use it as a soup base

-drink it to soothe a sore throat or as a snack

I hope you give it a try!


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