Authentic + Simple + Minnesotan

About Me.

I often get asked Why Between the Bridges?

Well…here’s the story. I grew up in Stillwater and the St Croix River has been a huge part of my life. My love for food was fostered in my family’s restaurant nestled on Main Street in the heart of downtown Stillwater.

It is between the new bridge and the old Stillwater bridge.

A bridge connects old to new.

A bridge connects people.

A bridge helps you get to where you need to go.

Bridges and water go hand in hand and water brings me, peace, calm, inspiration, and joy.

I am so grateful to be surrounded with such beauty, inspiration, and growth. I hope to continue to bridge my adventures to the future I’ve always dreamed of.

Keeping life as simple as it can be. It is a part of me. A part of who I am. 

I sit between the bridges now forging my own life here.

connecting and sharing my story. 

Now it's time to write my own page in history.

I may be between bridges for a while, but I know there’s always a reason and I hope to share my journey and inspire those around me.

Now in this chapter of my story I am also nestled in our new cottage home between two bridges just about an hour NW of Stillwater. It’s like it was meant to be.

Thanks for being here. I truly appreciate it so much.




Living A Paper Plate Chic, Healthy, Adventurous Life in Minnesota

 If you don't make time for your wellness, you will be forced to make time for your illness.